Publication - Educongress
EDUCongress, November 26-29, 2025 / Aska Lara Resort Otel/ANTALYA




The following opportunities for the authors of submitted papers are available during EDUCongress 2023;

  • As a chapter in the EDUCongress2022 Proceedings
  • As an article in one of the journals indexed in ERIC, ESCI, Scopus, or ULAKBIM which we collaborate,
  • Opportunity to contribute a chapter to a book published by an international publishing house.

EDUCongress2023 Proceedings

  • Submitted papers may be sent as full text after the congress. A format for the full-text book will be prepared and sent to authors, who will be asked to submit it within the given time frame. The EDUCongress2022 Proceedings will be published on the EDU Publishing website in an e-book format with an ISBN



Journal of Mixed Methods Studies (JOMES) is the flagship journal of EDU Publishing and EDUCongress. EDUCongress also partners with the educational journals listed below, which are indexed in SCOPUS, ERIC, ESCI, and ULAKBIM.

Journal of Teacher Education and Educators (JTEE)

The Journal of Teacher Education and Educators (JTEE) is a peer-reviewed international journal that is published three times a year (April, August, and December) in English under the responsibility of the science board. Aims and Scope JTEE is fundamentally concerned with the improvement of teacher education, curriculum, policy, and in-service training. Besides these, the journal also accepts research related to the problems of teacher educators and researchers in the field of educational sciences.

International Technology and Education Journal (ITEJ)

International Technology and Education Journal (ITEJ) has been published since 2017. With the ISSN number 2602-2885 ITEJ is an international published journal. By taking technology to the forefront ITEJ focused on the use of technology in educational dimensions.

International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education (IEJEE)

International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education (IEJEE) is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal that is online and publishes five times a year (January (special issue), March, June, September, and December). IEJEE provides a platform for the publication of scientific research in all areas of education in elementary grades. IEJEE is a multidisciplinary journal, committed to no single approach, discipline, methodology, or paradigm.

Journal of Mixed Methods Studies (JOMES)

Journal of Mixed Methods Studies [JOMES] is open access, online, peer-reviewed, and free of charge scholarly international journal. It is published bi-annual (March and September). The primary purpose of the journal is to become an academic forum for the development and enhancement of mixed-method research based on positivist radical structural and functional and anti-positivist interpretive and radical humanist paradigms in the liberal arts, social, behavioral, health, sports, and human sciences researches both in theory and practice.

Psycho-Educational Research Reviews (PERR)

Psycho-Educational Research Reviews (PERR) is a scientific journal published since 2012 constantly, without delays, 3 times a year, presently in April, August, and December. Psycho-Educational Research Reviews (PERR) is a scientific, scholarly journal reporting original contributions that advance knowledge in social sciences with emphasis on education and issues explored in the field of educational sciences.

International Journal of Psychology and Education Studies (IJPES)

The International Journal of Psychology and Education Studies (IJPES) is a peer-reviewed, international and interdisciplinary journal publishing original research articles and significant contributions to education and educational sciences. Publication Frequency: Quarterly (January-April-July -October). The journal is a valuable resource for psychologists, teachers, counselors, supervisors, educational administrators, educational policymakers, curriculum designers and developers, and educational researchers in the field of education.
IJPES publishes research employing a variety of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods of research and approaches in all areas of the field of education and educational sciences. The journal’s goal is to increase understanding of learning and teaching in early childhood, primary, secondary, vocational, and higher education to contribute to the improvement of educational processes and outcomes.

Erken Çocukluk Çalışmaları Dergisi

It is a peer-reviewed, double-blind online scientific journal published by the Turkish Preschool Education Development Association. Journal of Early Childhood Studies; While it contains qualitative and quantitative original research with an interdisciplinary perspective directly relevant to early childhood, it prioritizes original scientific research.

International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education (IJATE)

International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education (IJATE) accepts original research on the design, analysis and use of evaluation along with assessment to enhance comprehending of the performance and quality of stakeholders in educational settings. IJATE is pleased to receive discriminating theoretical and empirical manuscripts (quantitative or qualitative) which could direct significant national and international argumentations in educational policy and practice.


Publishing House (Book)


PETER LANG specializes in the Humanities and Social Sciences, covering the complete publication spectrum from monographs to student textbooks.


EDU PUBLISHING Produces high-quality publications in the fields of education, sociology, psychology, and management. It brings publications from major publishing houses around the world to the sector with professional translations.


Publication Process

The full-text studies presented at the EDUCongress may be considered as possible manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals or as book chapters in books. The steps for publication are described below.

As articles,

  • Our authors who wish to publish their work as an article may revise it according to the standards set by the partner journals for authors and send it to the appropriate journal. The management of the corresponding journal is responsible for the entire process of evaluation and publication of the article.

As a book chapter

  • Our authors who wish to publish their paper as a book chapter with a national or international publishing house must submit their full papers to the EDUCongress Executive Committee. The EDUCongress committees will classify the full manuscripts by topic (subject area) and forward them to the appropriate publisher. Authors can join together if they intend to publish their works through cooperative publishers. In this case, the EDUCongress team helps with coordination between the book editors and the publisher.