Abstract Format
Contribution proposals from all fields of educational sciences are accepted. Up to two abstracts for papers can be submitted by participants. A paper is submitted by one author plus up to 5 co-authors; 2 of the 6 authors can be listed as presenting authors. Using the EDUCongress2022 web page, all contributions must be submitted electronically. The system will go live on May 1st.
The abstract should be prepared around the following titles and comprise a maximum of 1200 words + references:
☐ Title: Title of paper
☐ Author Information: The proposal’s author(s), along with their affiliations and email addresses
☐ Network (Filed) choice
☐ Keywords: 3-5 keywords
☐ Problem: A summary of the study topics, theoretical framework, research gap, and aims (up to 600 words)
☐ Methodology: Methodologies (resaerch design, participants, measures, analysis) (up to 400 words)
☐ Results and Discussion: Expected results/outcomes (up to 200 words)
☐ References: Up to 400 words
2: Papers can be submitted in Turkish and English
2.Tables and graphs cannot be included in the submission form.