Professor Carl WIEMAN, Stanford University - Educongress
EDUCongress, September 18-21, 2024 / Dicle University

Professor Carl WIEMAN, Stanford University

Carl Wieman is a Professor of Physics and Education at Stanford University. Wieman has been widely recognized for his experimental research in both atomic physics (Nobel Prize 2001 for first creation of Bose-Einstein Condensate, and other awards) and university science and engineering education (Carnegie University Professor of the Year 2004, Yidan International Prize for Education Research 2020). Wieman directed the Science Education Initiatives at the Universities of Colorado and British Columbia which produced large scale change in the teaching of science.  He also served as Associate Director for Science in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy from 2010 to 2012.  He founded PhET, which provides interactive simulations that are used nearly a million times a day to learn science, and he has published a book “Improving how universities teach science.” He is studying problem solving expertise in science and engineering and how this can be better measured and taught, as well as general ways to improve student learning in science and engineering at the university level.