Abstract Submission Guidelines
Abstract submissions are accepted from all areas of educational sciences.
A single author or group of authors can submit a maximum of two abstracts. A paper can be presented by one author plus a maximum of 7 co-authors; two out of the 8 authors can be indicated as the presenting authors. Abstracts should be submitted electronically using the EDUCongress2022 website.
The abstract should be prepared under the following headings and must contain a maximum of 1200 words + references:
☐ Title: The title of the paper
☐ Author Information: Information about the author(s), their affiliations, and their email addresses
☐ Network (Field) selection
☐ Keywords: 3-5 keywords
☐ Problem: A summary of study topics, theoretical framework, research gaps, and objectives (up to 300- 600 words)
☐ Method: Methodologies (research design, participants, measurements, analysis) (up to 400 words)
☐ Results and Discussion: Expected results/outcomes (up to 200 words)
☐ References: Up to 400 words
Abstracts can be in Turkish or English. The presentations can also be given in Turkish or English.
Tables and graphs cannot be added to the submission form.