Modes of Particaptaion - Educongress
EDUCongress, November 26-29, 2025 / Aska Lara Resort Otel/ANTALYA

Modes of Particaptaion

Modes of Particaptaion

EDUCongress 2022, jointly organised by Akdeniz University and EDU Publishing, will be held at Antalya ASKA LARA &SPA Hotel on November 17-19, 2022.

However, at the request of postgraduate students, we also offer the possibility of submitting papers “online-only.”

if the author is a graduate student. Graduate students can present their papers online.

When uploading abstracts, they should follow the steps below to accomplish this:

  1. Navigate to the abstract submission website by clicking the “registration-submit abstract” button on the homepage.
  2. Select “Oral Presentation” in the “Modes of Participation” box when entering your presentation information if you wish to present in person only and “Online Presentation” if you wish to present online only.
  3. Once you have uploaded the abstract, upload your student ID from the “Submission Files” portion of the left-hand navigation.
  4. Save your abstract.

Although we allow postgraduate students to present online, we prefer to be present in person. We are excited to welcome you to a scholarly and enjoyable congress environment.

Although we offer graduate students the opportunity to present online, we want to be in person with them. We are waiting for you to experience a scientific and pleasant congress environment.